This year I travelled through another land, a land where debating & diplomatic tactics were supreme. A land of MUN’s a land which was new to me.
AMI MUN 2011 was the first MUN which I participated in as a Delegate, where I formally got introduced to the rules & procedures and how it all works, with a bad start as the delegate of Maldives I was sure it’s too early to judge myself. The friends that I had made have stuck like glue, we hardly talk and share but the bonds are still going strong. *Touchwood*
I learnt that no matter how out of the circuit you remain people will drag you in the dirty game of politics. The first edition of the college’s MUN saw us all dressed up to face all the challenges, the finest people on the exec board waved a path for the organizing team to set their standards high, the help that our faculty provided us with was incredible. I may have forgotten to thank you guys but you all mean a lot.
This MUN was more of a trip than an MUN, falling sick in this pretty town was the worst nightmare.
With the immense support of the Chairperson and all my friends I managed to put in an amendment which I have no clue how? :P especially after missing a day and half of the council. The city of Bangalore was more than welcoming, the bunch of friends that I made proved to be like counsellors to me, they are the best to consult. Yes Das & Zahaan I am talking about you.
Varun & Divya : Thank you for being more than accomodating
What an MUN it was, it gave me the best of pals ever. It made me learn as a writer, it made me see that the coin always has two sides. I met people whom I would not like to stay in touch with; I met people who I would never want to lose. UTSAV, RICHA , ARJUN, ShIRIN, DEVESH & NIKUNJ this MUN will always be special because of you guys.
Thank you & sorry Mahir for eating you head all the time. You are a very sweet person :)
We were in the city of Hyderabad, where the smell of biryani could not be ignored. This place has the wildest of memories I have had, dancing with people whom I just met and seeing various faces of whom I thought mattered. Going to cream stones & barista late in the night, walking in the rain, singing songs and just having heart to heart conversations with people who really matter.
Memories of this place never go out of my mind, no matter how hard I try.
Thank you Praveena, Shruti, Kiran, Priyaa, Varun ,Koshtub & Ameya and many more people whom I love so much.
IHMUN has no such memories attached but it taught me how diplomacy can make you win a place on a professional level but can never make you enter somebody’s heart.
IITD and IITK were two MUNs which made me interact with a few people whom I genuinely respect.
Karan Soni, Chaitanya, Mudit & Devashish I love you guys. I love the Pagal group members Namit & Raghav too.
Supriya, Sumit & Mayank thank you for listening to all the blabbering I usually do and all those cranky periods where I wanted to kill a few people for the professionalism they showed*Pun intended*
This is one of those MUNs which made me believe that if you have talent you can always cut through your way and even if people try to drag you into shit they’ll fall right there on your feet.
No I am not getting senti, people who know the story know that it’s TRUE. This MUN was more of an eye opener for me, it did not only teach me how to ignore the attention seekers, and it made me more professional in my approach. I did commit many mistakes earlier but this MUN is one I am extremely proud of.
Thank you Gugu for saying what all you said on the stage, meant alot and thank you for being such a sweetheart.
Wow three wonderful days & extremely happening nights :P
Yet again this MUN brought me extremely close to a few people and made me completely anti a few. I learned the lesson that it’s not worth my effort and moving on is way a better choice.
Few people that I really need to thank for treating me so nicely & with their utmost care.
Thank you Utsav, Richa, Srishti, Das, Misbah & Bharat. Thank you for having those heart to heart conversations which made me a better and a wiser person.
Were more or less family MUNs, a reunion of the sweetest people I know of.
Nishesh, Nirjhar, Soni ,Utsav & Chaitanya. Whhatey gang we are now. I have & will always respect all of you.
Now a little thank you & sorry note for people whom I have missed terribly.
Megha, Apurva, Aakash, Mohit & Anurag. You people had my back always, no matter how big a bitch I was. Never contacted you never stayed in touch. Was a bad friend, a bad person. L
I am sorry and I promise things like this will never be repeated. :D
Koshtub, Zahaan, Das, Shrisha & Kiran. Thank you for being there always, thank you for always helping me out in one way or the other, thank you for things that I don’t even remember :P
Tito & Priyaa : you two will be my date forever. :D
Sukaran : Thanks for trying to teach me guitar and clicking those ugly pictures and recording my voice and torturing me I DO HATE YOU :P
Utsav & Richa : You two are people whom I love too much, not because we three have the same wavelength but because you guys are just adorable. You two helped me take decisions which I am so proud of now. Thank you and you know no matter how much I thank you, it is never going to be enough.
Kshitij, Mayank, Vartika, Tanaya, Anirudh,Rachel, Sheeba, Kartikey & Shubham. Thank you for making college a better place. Without you I am so sure I would have died out of boredom and the boring eco classes would have killed me (Even though I don’t attend college that much :P)
Rahul & Kunal : You two have a very special place in my life, you two are now a part of me. Thank you for everything.
If I have forgotten anybody I am sorry, I dint mean to, if you know me well you know how much you mean to me.
Thank you, guys for everything for making this year one of my favourite chapters of my life.
Thank you Abhinav, Samar & Tejinder for tolerating me when I want all the pictures to be perfect :P
Thank you Chandrashekar Rawandale sir for having faith in me, yes I did commit a few mistakes for which I apologise. Those things shall never be repeated. :)